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Flatnumber is an online tool which assists in organising a home association in a simple logical way; a practical real-time solution for administrators, flat owners and all neighbours.
Our service offers a cloud based solution that helps in managing service charges, invoices, information and correspondence.
  • Keep owners contact details
  • Easy communication
  • Track income and expenses in a clear manner
  • Access your information any time
  • Plan out the budget for the coming year
  1. Click on the profile logo (on the top right) to open the drop-down menu
  2. Click on "Edit my info"
  3. You will be able to change all your contact details
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the "Save" button.
When you are setting up a new association we suggest to follow the following steps:
  1. Input the initial association's information
    • Association's details

    • All owner's contact details

  2. Send a welcome email
    • Once the initial information is inputted and the site is ready to be seen, you can send a welcome email the owners

  3. Owners to confirm:
    1. Yes, they are owner of that unit
    2. Yes, they accept receiving emails and the rest of the terms and conditions

  4. Once all the owner's data has been inputted and confirmed, you can start inputting expenses, fees...
There are two options:
  1. You can inform the owner that he/she can do this by following the steps described in: Owners FAQ > I can't remember my password. How do I reset my password?
  2. Or else, you can request the reset of credentails from the administrator's control panel

There are two options:
  1. An owner can update his/her contact details directly from flatnumber.
    Whenever this happens administrators will be informed by email(if they are subscribed to this type of emails)
  2. Administrators can update owner's data from their control panel.
    Whenever this happens other administrators will be informed (if they are subscribed to this type of emails)
    Whenever this happens owners will be informed (if they are subscribed to this type of emails)
We strongly recomend that a change in email addreses is done directly by the owner and not by the administrator.
The reason is because if the administrator does it:
  1. the owner has to reset their password
  2. If the owner has more than one property, he/she will have to remember different usernames and paswords per property

If the above is not a problem, an administrator can change an owner's email following these steps:
  1. Delete the existing email address

  2. Add the new email address
  3. Send a welcome email
  1. Click on the "+" in the menu bar to the right
  2. Click on "expense" button
  3. Fill in the required fields (*) that determine the characteristics of the expense, you may also add photos or attachments
  4. Click on save

Please follow these steps:
  1. Click on the "+" in the menu bar to the right
  2. Click on "notice" button
  3. Fill in the required fields (*), choose the audience
  4. Click on save
There is no limit to the number of associations or flats you can have in your portfolio.